Ngày tạo: 30-09-2016


“Because you love life” is the slogan of the LBF food brand in Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand. The two food brands using Japan LBF biotechnology are “Sakura” and “Sunstar Lacto Farm”. The meaning of the slogan is that: Choose a safe and healthy food band like Sakura or Sunstar Lacto Farm if you love your life and your loved ones. Why? The world agriculture production, especially in less developed countries, is facing a serious crisis that threatening the health and well being of every family and the Earth.

Serious Problems of the World Agriculture

World agriculture faces a serious challenge: how to guarantee a relevant quantitative and health standard of food provision to a growing, and probably increasingly more affluent population, at the same time, reducing – or at least not increasing – the pressure on the environment and climate change.

According to The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), every day on Earth about 1 billion people go to bed hungry; 2 billion people suffer from malnutrition (hidden hunger); 1 billion people are overweight or obese. The situation is getting more and more serious as the world population increases rapidly while the food production can not catch up or even decline because the climate change is more serious than the negative impact on agriculture production.

More frightening, the quality of the food being produced is the leading cause of cancer for human being. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 600 million people get sick and 420,000 die from eating unsafe food every year. Vietnam is the second largest country in the world in terms of cancer and food is the leading cause (35%).

The main cause of unsafe food is the abuse of chemicals and additives in cultivation, farming, food processing and preservation. The excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to increase crop productivity pollutes land, air and especially clean water. Agriculture uses 70% of clean water on Earth.

Therefore, for sustainable development, people need to continue to produce more food to meet the world’s growing population, while reducing the use of chemicals in agricultural production in order to ensure food safety and at the same time protecting the ecological environment.

SJF Committment to Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food Production.

SJF important task is to provide solutions that help solve the problem of sustainable development in agriculture and food sector in Vietnam and other countries in the region. The ultimate goal is to provide more and more safe food for the domestic market and the world while ensuring the ecological environment for the future generation.

We use the “ecological farm” model combined with environmentally friendly advanced biotechnology and ensure biodiversity. This solution builds a healthy farm model to produce safe and healthy food. This solution protects soil, water and climate and does not pollute the environment with toxic chemicals. … Moreover, this solution helps to balance the benefits for farmers (usually the ones most affected), consumers, producers and distributors.

SJF Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture and Food production:

  • Application of Japanese LBF microbial solutions in cultivation and breeding (with 06 patents) to produce high quality products while protecting the environment;
  • Cleaner & less water supply: water treatment and recycling; LBF solutions help minimizing water change in aquaculture and hydroponic;
  • Healthier soil: limit the use of chemicals in cultivation, using more organic compost and microbial solutions for healthier soil and plants;
  • No genetically modified (GMO) in agricultural production;
  • No use of antibiotics and harmful additives in livestock feed: use natural and LBF biological solutions, indigenous know-how to protect livestock;
  • Use natural and biological methods to control pests and diseases for plants: crop diversification, regular rotation, natural enemies. Limit the use of chemical pesticides and follow the Global Gap principle;
  • Maximum use of local materials: avoid import of raw materials;
  • Make the most of local specialties: indigenous varieties tend to grow stronger and tastier;
  • Build up a closed chain of agricultural production: to make full use of each other’s products, increase efficiency and protect the environment;
  • Co-operation with farmers and food producers: transfer of know-how, sharing of experience, consumption of products to form the joint development chain;
  • No preservatives in food: Apply advanced Japanese Fresh Keeping preservation technology to preserve food longer for maximized benefits.